Zawad Alam
#Driven #Dedicated #Humble

What are you doing these days?
I am currently working on two projects right now. One is Chalkboard where we are working on the issue of Safe Digital Space for all. The other one is Project WE where we have launched a 50-day climate awareness campaign to create awareness among people about climate change through different digital contents and live training sessions.
What is/are 1 or 2 moments that shaped who you are today?
I can't remember any specific moment but I can proudly say that what I am today now is only because of my father who actually supported me in every phase of my life to follow my passions wholeheartedly.
If you could go back in time, 10 years ago, what would you tell your younger self?
I am 22 right now and if I could go 10 years back, I would tell my "12 years old Zawad" that no matter what you do in life, always stay humble and focused. Try to keep your emotions in control otherwise you will be hurt repeatedly.
How do you want people to know you and remember you for?
I always had a wish to publish a book of myself where I would highlight every single work that I have done in my life. For this, I would like to do more and more social works so that people get inspiration to work for the society. I would be happy if people read my book and remember me by the deeds that I have done in my entire life for the sake and betterment of the youth, society as well as my country, Bangladesh.
Also, I want to be a dose of encouragement and humbleness for everyone whom people will respect and admire from the core of their heart.